Tree Photo3-Oct Newsletter

Fall/Winter Tree Pruning Tips

In October

• You can safely prune most trees; however:
• Ensure temperatures don’t drop below freezing.
• Be careful not to prune frost -sensitive trees too heavily.
• Desert Trees have large growth in spring/summer: trim trees in October so that they will “hold their prune” longer through the winter months.

In November

• Frost damage can affect certain trees, like Evergreens:
• Only prune Evergreens to remove dead wood and provide structural improvements.
• Great time for removals to prepare for the holidays!

In December

• Deciduous trees should be pruned between December and February. These include:
• Mulberries, Pecans, Elms, Ash, Desert Willows, Chastes, Oaks, and Stone Fruit (such as Peach, Plum, and Pear)

In January

•Leave Citrus, Ficus, and other frost-sensitive trees alone. Trimming these can damage them permanently.
•Euclyptus, Sumac, and Willow all take well to pruning.

Other Tips

•Skin Palms
•Remove dead/dying branches
•Remove dead trees

To request for a tree maintenance bid and/or landscape maintenance bid, please contact, Mischelle White, Vice President of Business Development at

Mischelle is CDLP and SLM Certified. She is a member of AZCREW, BOMA, HBACA and Valley Partnership. In addition, she is a member of the BOMA Board of Directors for 2013 – 2014 and BOMA TOBY Committee.

Tree Photo2-Oct Newsletter